Curriculum Vitae

Dr. GUTA Andrada Camelia

Date personale



GUŢĂ Andrada-Camelia

Adresa de contact

Centrul de Diagnostic si Tratament "Dr. Victor Babes", Sos. Mihai Bravu nr. 281, Sector 3, Bucuresti








Data nasterii

30 Octombrie 1989

Experienta profesionala



Iunie 2020 - prezent

Numele si adresa angajatorului

Centrul de Diagnostic si Tratament "Dr. Victor Babes", Sos. Mihai Bravu nr. 281, sector 3, Bucuresti

Tipul activitatii sau sectorul de activitate


Functia sau postul ocupat

Medic specialist

Principalele activitati si responsabilitati

Asistenta medicala de specialitate


Ianuarie 2015 - Aprilie 2020

Numele si adresa angajatorului

Institutul de Urgenţă pentru Boli Cardiovasculare "Prof. Dr. C. C. Iliescu"

Tipul activitatii sau sectorul de activitate


Functia sau postul ocupat

Medic rezident


2018- 2019

Numele si adresa angajatorului


Tipul activitatii sau sectorul de activitate

Cercetare preclinica. Evaluare ecocardiografică periprocedurală și postprocedurală.

Functia sau postul ocupat

Colaborator în activitatea preclinica de testare a protezelor valvulare


Septembrie 2017 - Septembrie 2018

Numele si adresa angajatorului

Universitatea din Padova, Departamentul de Ştiinţe Cardiace, toracice şi vasculare, Padova, Italia

Tipul activitatii sau sectorul de activitate

Tehnici ecocardiografice avansate

Functia sau postul ocupat



Septembrie 2012- Februarie 2014

Numele si adresa angajatorului

Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie "Victor Babeş" Timişoara

Functia sau postul ocupat

Tutore la Departamentul de Biochimie al UMF "Victor Babeş" Timişoara

Principalele activitati si responsabilitati

Coordonarea laboratoarelor de biochimie la anul II, pregătirea materialelor didactice, evaluarea finală a studenţilor


August 2011 - Septembrie 2011

Numele si adresa angajatorului

Universitatea Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Frankfurt

Tipul activitatii sau sectorul de activitate

Urmărirea proiectului "Modificarea proprietăţilor enzimatice ale factorului IX de coagulare"

Functia sau postul ocupat

Student în cercetare

Educaţie şi formare



Septembrie 2016 - prezent

Numele şi tipul instituţiei de învăţământ

Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie "Carol Davila", Bucureşti

Calificarea urmarita

Doctor în ştiinţe medicale

Tema lucrarii de doctorat

Incompetenţa valvulară atrio-ventriculară funcţională



Numele si tipul institutiei de invatamant

Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie "Victor Babeş", Timişoara

Calificarea obtinuta

Doctor medic în Domeniul Sănatate

Titlul lucrării de licenţă

Asocieri între polimorfismul receptorilor beta-1 adrenergici ;i tratamentul cu beta-blocante în patologia cardiovasculară

Aptitudini si competente personale


  • elaborarea unui proiect de cercetare în domeniul medicinei
  • interpretarea rezultatelor studiului clinic
  • elaborarea unei lucrări ştiintifice

Limba materna


Limbi straine cunoscute

Engleza, spaniola, italiana

Activitate stiintifica

Aptitudini şi competente profesionale obţinute prin participare la cursuri şi certificări

  • EACVI Level 1 Certification in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance, May 2019.
  • Cardiac MRI – Intensive Course, 26 February – 2 March 2018, Universita degli Studi di Padova, Dipartamento di Scienze Cardiologiche, Padua, Italy.
  • Tree-dimensional Echocardiography – Intensive Course, 6-10 November 2017, Universita degli Studi di Padova, Dipartamento di Scienze Cardiologiche, Padua, Italy.
  • EACVI Teaching Course on Transoesophageal 2D and 3D Echocardiography, 20-22 October 2017, European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and European Society of Cardiology, Sophia Antipolis.


  • 2017 – Câştigătoarea unei burse de cercetare oferită de Societatea Română de Cardiologie prin proiectul "Regurgitarea mitrală şi tricuspidiană funcţională utilizând ecocardiografia tridimensională"
  • 2018 – Câştigătoarea unei burse de cercetare oferită de Universitatea din Padova, Departamentul de Ştiinţe Cardiace, toracice şi vasculare, Padova, Italia cu proiectul "Optimization of ICD implants using advanced imaging techniques in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction"

Articole publicate

  • D. Muraru, A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, D.Bartos, P. Aruta, S. Mihaila, B.A.Popescu, S. Iliceto, C. Basso, L.P. Badano. Functional regurgitation of atrioventricular valves and atrial fibrillation: an elusive pathophysiological link deserving further attention. JASE, 2020 Jan; 33(1):42-53.
  • L.P. Badano, P. Aruta, K. Nguyen, C. Palermo, A. Baritussio, A. Cecchetto, M. Previtero, S. Figliozzi, D. Genovese, A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, D. Muraru. Current clinical applications of three-dimensional echocardiography. 2G Ital Cardiol (Rome) 2019 Dec;20(12):722-735.
  • A. C. Guta, L.P. Badano, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, D. Genovese, M.Previtero, S. Civera, A. Ruocco, N. Bettella, G. Parati, D. Muraru. Three-dimensional echocardiograhy to assess left ventricular geometry and function. December 2019; Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy; vol 17, issue 11.
  • Khalique O.K, Cavalcante J.L., Shah D., Guta A. C., Zhan Y, Muraru D. Multimodality Imaging of the Tricuspid Valve and Right Heart Anatomy. JACC Imaging 2019 Mar;12(3):516-531.
  • P. Aruta, D. Muraru, A. C. Guta, S. Mihaila, N. Ruozi, C. Palermo, B. Elnegar, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano. Comparison of mitral annulus geometry between patients with ischemic and non-ischemic functional mitral regurgitation: implications for transcatheter mitral valve implantation. Cardiovascular Ultrasound 2018;16:27.
  • A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, P. Aruta, S. Mihaila Baldea, D. Bartos, B.A. Popescu, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. The role of three-dimensional echocardiography for the clinical diagnosis and management of mitral valve disease. Romanian Journal of Cardiology 2018, 28:4.
  • A.M. Balahurã, A. Guta, V. Mihalcea, E. Weiss, M. Doroban.u, D. Barto., E. Bãdilã, G.A. Dan. Pulmonary thromboembolism in an emergency hospital: Are our patients different? Rom J Intern Med, 2-17 decembrie, 1;55(4):237-244. Doi:10.1515/rjim-2017-0026.
  • A. Guta, A. M. Daraban, E. Badilã, D. Bartos. Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation: the “why?” behind their coexistence. Journal of Hypertension Research, 2016;2(3):100-104.

În curs de publicare

  • D. Muraru, S. Caravita, A. C. Guta, D. Mihalcea, G. Branzi, G. Parati, L. P. Badano. Functional tricuspid regurgitation and atrial fibrillation. Which comes first: the chicken or the egg? Accepted for CASE.
  • D. Muraru, K. Addetia, A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, D. Genovese, F. Veronesi, C. Basso, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano, R.M. Lang. Right Atrial Volume is a Major Determinant of Tricuspid Annulus Area in Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation. Submitted for European Heart Journal.
  • M. Scorsin, P. Aruta, A.C. Guta, E. Pasquino, L. P. Badano. Preclinical results of the unique Epygon transcatheter mitral prosthesis designed to treat mitral regurgitation and preserve left ventricular fluidodynamics. Submitted for Eurointervention.

Capitole publicate în cărţi

  • K. Addetia, D. Muraru, A. C. Guta, R.M. Lang. The normal tricuspid valve. Textbook of three-dimensional echocardiography. ISBN 978-3-030-14032-8
  • J.K. Song, D. Muraru, A. C. Guta, L.P. Badano. Functional tricuspid regurgitation. Textbook of three-dimensional echocardiography. ISBN 978-3-030-14032-8
  • P. Aruta. L.P. Badano, A. C. Guta, D. Muraru. Transcatheter interventional techniques for mitral valve regurgitation: devices and up-to-date results. Current Perspectives on Mitral Valve Disease, ISBN 978-1-78985-688-0.
  • A. Guta, D. Bartos. Antihipertensive treatment: principles. Arterial hypertension: from practice to theory, from patients to guidelines. Niculescu, 2017.

Abstracte şi postere prezentate la conferinţe

  • A. C. Guta, S. Caravita, D. Mihalcea, G. Parati, L. P. Badano, D. Muraru. Functional tricuspid regurgitation and atrial fibrillation. Which comes first: the chicken or the egg? Clinical case presentation accepted for ESC 2020.
  • D. Mihalcea, A. C. Guta, S. Caravita, G. Parati, L. P. Badano, D. Vinereanu, D. Muraru. Sex, body size and right atrial volumes are the main determinants of tricuspid annulus geometry in healthy volunteers. A 3D echo study using a novel, commercially-available dedicated software package. Original abstract accepted for ESC 2020.
  • M. Previtero, A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, S. Figliozzi, C. Palermo, A. Baritussio, A, Cecchetto, P. Aruta, S. Iliceto, L.P.Badano, D. Muraru. Prognostic validation of partition values obtained with conventional two-dimensional and doppler echocardiography to grade tricuspid regurgitation severity. European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging 21 (Suppl 1), January 2020, DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jez319.
  • M. Previtero, A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, C. Palermo, D. Bottigliengo, S. Figliozzi, A. Baritussio, A, Cecchetto, P. Aruta, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. Right ventricular basal diameter, but not volume, can predict severe tricuspid regurgitation. European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging 21 (Suppl 1), January 2020, DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jez319.426.
  • M. Previtero, D. Bottigliengo, A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, S. Figliozzi, C. Palermo, A. Baritussio, A, Cecchetto, P. Aruta, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. Identification of threshold values to define right chamber enlargement consistent with severe tricuspid regurgitation. European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging 21 (Suppl 1), January 2020, DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jez319.009.
  • A. C. Guta. Different etiologies of functional tricuspid regurgitation are associated with significant heterogeneity in right chamber size and tricuspid valve geometry. Oral presentation at 3D Echo360, European Edition, 2019.
  • A. C. Guta, P. Aruta, S. Mihaila, D. Muraru, C. Palermo, E. Surkova, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano. In patients with end-stage functional mitral regurgitation, mitral annulus geometry is independent on the ischemic or non-ischemic etiology of left ventricular dysfunction. Poster presented at 3D Echo360, European Edition, 2019.
  • 8. R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, A. C. Guta, M. Previtero, C. Palermo, P. Aruta, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. Right Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain Predicts Cardiovascular Mortality and Heart Failure Hospitalizations in Patients with Functional Tricuspid Regurgitatio. European Heart Journal, Vol 40, Issue Suppl 1, October 2019.
  • A. C. Guta, D. Muraru, L.P. Badano,Y. Nagata, P. Aruta, R.C. Ochoa Jimenez, E. Surkova, K. Otani, D. Genovese, Y. Otsuji, D. Azzolina, M. Takeuchi. Development and prognostic validation of partition values to grade right ventricular dysfunction severity with three-dimensional echocardiography. Eur Heart J - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 20, Issue Suppl 1, 1 January 2019, i320–i324. Abstract selected for Young Investigator Award Session – Clinical Science at Euroecho 2018, Milan.
  • A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa Jimenez, V. Guida, P. Aruta, R. Tenaglia, M.P. Marra, M. De Lazzari, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. Heterogeneity of segmental left ventricular deformation in patients with mitral valve prolapse as potential substrate of ventricular arrhythmias. Eur Heart J - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 20, Issue Suppl 1, 1 January 2019, i307–i319.
  • R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, A. C. Guta, V. Guida, M. Previato, P. Aruta, C. Palermo, S. Figliozzi, M.P. Marra, A. Cipriani, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. Potential echocardiographic markers of arrhythmic burden in patients with mitral valve prolapse and mild regurgitation. Eur Heart J - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 20,Issue Suppl 1, 1 January 2019, i307–i319.
  • A. C. Guta, R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, P. Aruta, D. Genovese, K. Nguyen, G. Sammarco, V. Guida, R. Tenaglia C. Palermo, R. Enache, D. Bartos, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. In patients with functional tricuspid regurgitation due to atrial fibrillation, right atrial three-dimensional volume is the most important determinant of tricuspid annulus dilation. Eur Heart J - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 20, Issue Suppl 1, 1 January 2019, i1022–i1148.
  • G. Sammarco, N. Ruozi, R. Tenaglia, H. Rodriguez-Zanella, F Boccalini, E. Secco, C. Palermo, T. Barrella, D. Azzolina, A. Guta, P. Aruta, D. Muraru, S. Iliceto, L.B. Badano. Added value of the combined use of left ventricular mechanical dispersion and three-dimensional ejection fraction in the arrhythmic risk stratification of patients with systolic dysfunction. Eur Heart J - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 20, Issue Suppl 1, 1 January 2019, i1210–i1300.
  • R.C. Ochoa-Jimenez, A. C. Guta, S. Civera, V. Guida, P. Aruta, C. Palermo, M. Previato, H. Shehata, M. De Lazzari, A. Cipriani, S. Iliceto, L.P. Badano, D. Muraru. Left ventricular and mitral valve geometry in patients with mitral valve prolapse and mild regurgitation: a three-dimensional echocardiographic study. Eur Heart J - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 20, Issue Suppl_1, 1 January 2019, i1210–i1300.
  • Muraru D., Guta A.C., Addetia K., Genovese D., Ochoa-Jimenez RC., Veronesi F., Aruta P., Palermo C., Prado A., Sammarco G., Tenaglia R., Iliceto S., Badano LP., Lang RM. Accuracy of conventional and 3D echo-derived indices of right chamber and tricuspid annulus size to predict severe functional tricuspid regurgitation. Eur Heart J 2018, Volume 39, Issue Suppl 1.
  • Muraru D., Addetia K., Genovese D., Guta A. C., Ochoa-Jimenez RC., Aruta P., Veronesi F., Mor-Avi V., Previtero M., Guida V., Nguyen K., Iliceto S., Badano LP., Lang, RM. Right atrial volume is the major determinant of tricuspid annulus area in healthy subjects and in patients with functional tricuspid regurgitation due to various etiologies. Eur Heart J 2018, Volume 39, Issue Suppl 1.
  • Muraru, D., Addetia, K., Guta, A. C., Ochoa-Jimenez, RC., Genovese, D., Aruta, P., Mihaila, S., Bidviene, J., Mor-Avi, V., Prado, A., Iliceto, S., Lang, RM., Badano, LP. Different etiologies of functional tricuspid regurgitation are associated with significant heterogeneity in right chamber size and tricuspid valve geometry. Eur Heart J 2018, Volume 39, Issue Suppl 1.
  • A. Guta, G. Raileanu, A. M. Daraban, A. Burducea, M. Beuran, D. Bartos. Is Arterial Hypertension Different in Patients Performing Non-Cardiac Surgery? Journal of Hypertension 2016; 34(suppl 1): e123. ISSN 0263-6352.
  • G. Raileanu, A. Guta, S. Postelnicu, C. Ginghina, R. Tataru, M. Raileanu, M. Serban. Clinical and Paraclinical Features in Grade 2 And 3 Hypertensive Women with Angina. Journal of Hypertension 2016; 34(suppl 1): e309. ISSN 0263-6352.
  • M. Serban, A. C. Guţă, G. Răileanu, S. Postelnicu, D. Gherasim, C. Ginghină, Angina pectoris in Woman, Romanian Journal of Cardiology, Supplement The 54th National Congress of Cardiology, 17-19 September 2015, Sinaia.
  • A. Guta, L. Gruescu – Association of CYP2D6 and ADRB1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Response to Beta Blocker Therapy in a Patient Sample Set with Cardiovascular Diseases from Romania, Cambridge Healthcare Institutes’ 21st International Molecular Med Tri-Con, February 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  • A. Anghel, M. Tomescu, A. Guta, L. Gruescu, E. Seclaman, M. Mititelu, C. Marian. Gene variants modulating the response to beta blockers therapy for cardiovascular diseases, presented at The 11thNational Symposium of Microscopic Morphology, May 2013, Craiova.
  • L. Gruescu, A. Guta, A lecturer’s one semester tutoring experience in a preclinical year of study, presented at Timisoara Medical Education Days, April 2013.
  • L. Gruescu, A. Guta, Drug metabolism genes polymorphism - population study in west Romania, presented at the 22nd European Students’ Conference, 21st – 24th September 2011, Berlin.

Cazuri clinice şi postere prezentate la conferinţe

  • A. C. Guta, A.I. Necula, D.N. Radu, G. Olaru-Lego, A. Calin, L. Predescu, B. Radulescu, B.A. Popescu, R. Enache. A classical dilemma . to be or not to be constriction - solved by CMR. EuroCMR, 2019, Venice.
  • D. N. Radu, A. C. Guta, A. Florian, L. Predescu, B.A. Popescu, R. Enache. Congenital left ventricular diverticulum- an innocent bystander in a patient with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. EuroCMR, 2019, Venice.
  • A. Guta, A. Calin, D. Dorobantu, A. Burducea, M. Rosca, M. Croitoru, C. Ginghina, B.A. Popescu. From hepatocellular carcinoma to heart failure - a rare late complication with a devastating cascading effect. Eur Heart J 2017, 18(suppl 3).
  • A. Guta, R. Enache, L. Predescu, P. Platon, C. Toma, C. Ginghina. Tuberculous constrictive pericarditis- a difficult diagnosis. The 56th National Congress of Cardiology, 20 - 23 September 2017, Sinaia.
  • A. Guta, A. Calin, D. Dorobantu, A. Burducea, M. Rosca, M. Croitoru, C. Ginghina, B.A. Popescu. From hepatocellular carcinoma to heart failure - a rare late complication with a devastating cascading effect. The 56th National Congress of Cardiology, 20 - 23 September 2017, Sinaia.
  • A. Guta, A. M. Daraban, G. Sica, D. Bartos. The restless heart: a case report. The 9th International Congress of Internal Medicine, Athens, March 9 - 11, 2017.
  • A. Guta, T. Radu, P. Platon, R. Enache, I. M. Coman. Extrinsec left main coronary artery compression in a patient with Pulmonary Hypertension due to large Atrial Septal Defect. Imaging role in PH .- PHADER Spring Forum, 3 - 4 March 2017, Sibiu.
  • A. Guta, A. M. Daraban, E. Badil., D. Bartos. Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation: the "why?" behind their coexistence. Journal of Hypertension Research, 2016;2(3):100-104.
  • A. Guta, A. M. Daraban, A. Burducea, D. Bartos. New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation Associated with Cyclophosphamide-Induced Cardiotoxicity: Case Report. Cardiology 2016;134(suppl 1):357. e-ISSN: 1421-9751.
  • A. Guta, A. M. Daraban, A. Burducea, D. Bartos. Syncope in a patient diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. European Congress of Internal Medicine, 2 - 3 September 2016, Amsterdam.
  • A. Guta, C. Tirziu, L. Gulie, A. Burducea, D. Bartoş. Thrombophilia and Trombangiitis Obliterans: an unfortunate association. European Congress of Internal Medicine, 2 - 3 September 2016, Amsterdam.
  • A. Guta, A.M. Daraban, A. Burducea, D. Bartos. New-onset atrial fibrillation associated with cyclophosphamide-induced cardiotoxicity; case report. The Journal of Heart Disease: abstracts of The International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions 2016, 21st World Congress on Heart Disease, 30 July - 1st August 2016, Boston, MA, USA.
  • A. Guta, A. M. Daraban, a. Burducea, D. Bartos. Three normal coronary arteries: is it enough? National Internal Medicine Congress, 6 - 9 April 2016, Calimanesti, Romania.
  • A. C. Guta, M. Serban, R. Ciudin, L. Mandes, G. Raileanu, I. Gheorghiu, C. Ceck, C. Ginghina, A rare variation of the heterotaxy syndrome with dextrocardia, Romanian Journal of Cardiology, Supplement The 54th National Congress of Cardiology, 17 - 19 September 2015, Sinaia.
  • G. Raileanu, M. Şerban, I. Gheorghiu, A. Popara, P. Platon, L. Predescu, A. Guta, C. Radulescu, C. Ginghină. What can hide behind a tricuspid valve regurgitation? Romanian Journal of Cardiology, Supplement The 54th National Congress of Cardiology, 17 - 19 September 2015, Sinaia.
  • C. I. Radulescu, M. Şerban, P. Platon, A. Covaliov, L. Predescu, A. Călin, A. Guta, C. Ginghina, Thromboangiitis obliterans: easy diagnostic, difficult case, Romanian Journal of Cardiology, Supplement The 54th National Congress of Cardiology, 17 - 19 September 2015, Sinaia.

Doctor GUŢĂ Andrada Camelia

Copyright © - Centrul Medical de Diagnostic si Tratament "Victor Babes"