Vascular Surgery
The vascular surgery medical specialty deals with the treatment of blood vessel diseases, ie arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels.
Vascular arterial surgery deals with arterial disease, advanced, surgical.
The main surgical condition is the interruption of blood circulation in an important artery, which leads to a decrease in the amount of blood that reaches the irrigated area of the vessel, suffering called ischemia.
Ischemia may be acute, by clogging the artery with a thrombus (hail) from the heart usually (chronic atrial fibrillation), by the formation of local thrombi on the basis of atheromatous plaques or under other circumstances (thrombophilic states) or by direct arterial injuries accompanied of the most frequent haemorrhages.
Chronic ischemia is caused by chronic obliterative arteriopathy and obliterant thrombangiitis.
The main vascular arterial interventions are : bypass revascularization, thrombartrectomy, and Fogarty probe disobstruction.
Ventricular vascular surgery has the primary objective of treating varicose veins.
sSrgery for varicose veins are :
- classic varicose surgery
- endoluminal laser or radiofrequency treatment of varicose veins
- sclerotherapy
The goals of varicose veins surgery are : removal of varicose vein sources and removal of dilated or unsightly veins.
The main preoperative investigation for varicose vein surgery is the venous Doppler ultrasound, which distinguishes between varicose veins and venectases or reticular veins and guides the surgeon to precise surgery with minimal scarring and certain results.
The preoperative exam will also indicate the battery of analyzes or investigations required for safety.
The duration of admission varies depending on the condition, the type of intervention and the postoperative evolution, between one-day hospitalization (ambulatory treatment) or several days.
Useful information :
- surgery is performed after prior appointment
- surgery will be scheduled either directly at the reception or by phone - 021 317.95.03.
- the costs of the intervention are :
- laboratory analysis, electrocardiogram, chest radiograph
- surgery
- anesthesia
- hospitalization
- the value of surgery and medical services is paid in the morning of surgery
In order to perform under proper surgical conditions, the patient is advised to :
- Preoperative :
- attend a preoperative surgical consultation
- perform venous Doppler ultrasound
- perform the recommended laboratory tests, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray
- will not interrupt treatment for other conditions (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, etc.)
- will be depilated at the level of the inferior limb to be operated, including inguinal, preferably with the epilation cream available in pharmacies
- will be present at the "Victor Babes" Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center at 7:00
- Postoperative :
- will follow the recommendations in the hospital exit ticket
- Doctors
- Medical services & prices

Vascular surgery Specialist

Vascular surgery Specialist
Complementary studies : vascular ultrasound
Lei | |
Clinical examination | 300 |
Clinical examination Prof. Dr. | 500 |
Check-up examination (within 30 days from the initial examination) | 100 |