Virtual tour
Fitness & Kinesitherapy hall

You are at the 4th floor in Fitness & physical exercises room from "Victor Babes" Clinic.
Fitness & physical exercises room is equipped with multifunction devices for each muscle group (chest, back, arms, abs, legs). The equipment includes exercise bikes, treadmills, dumbbells, barbells, rubber bands, medicinal balls, sandbags, mats, swiss balls, wall bars.
All exercises are performed under specialized surveillance of the specialists in Fitness & physical exercises.
Students must have proper clothing and footwear.
At the same floor you can also find sauna and massage & physiotherapy room.
For additional info about our Fitness & physical exercises services please accesss Fitness & physical exercises page.
For additional info about our Physiotherapy & Complementary therapies services please accesss Physiotherapy & Complementary therapies page.