General Surgery
Surgery deals with diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity or disease by manual or instrumental means.
Surgical services offered at the "Victor Babes" Clinic :
- Consultation of the patients suffering both from medical-surgical diseases direct and in addressing the interdisciplinary consultations
- Addressing the surgery or ambulatory surgical specialty of various diseases : soft tissue abscesses, boils, whitlows, lipoma or sebaceous cysts with different locations
- The technical equipment of Surgery department operating room allow surgical treatment of diseases like appendicitis, proctological problems (hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perianal fistulae), sacrococcygeal pilonidal cyst and abscess
- Surgical treatment of abdominal hernias with different locations
- Hydrostatic varicose veins of the pelvic limbs
- Medical-surgical abdominal disorders (biliary, gastroduodenal, colorectal) can be diagnosed and treated, Surgery Department and Intensive post-anesthesia care unit by the manning and technical equipment, allowing a good and appropriate diagnosis and treatment act
- Doctors
- Medical services & prices
General Surgery

Dr. Alexandru Bumbac
General Surgery Senior Specialist
General Surgery Senior Specialist

Dr. Elvira Dogaru
General Surgery Senior Specialist
General Surgery Senior Specialist

Dr. Ivașcu Maria-Elena
General Surgery Senior Specialist
General Surgery Senior Specialist

Dr. Liviu Drăghici
General Surgery Senior Specialist
General Surgery Senior Specialist

Dr. Anna Maria Tănase
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Laparoscopic Surgery certified
Abdominal Ultrasound certified
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Laparoscopic Surgery certified
Abdominal Ultrasound certified

Dr. Sorin Şoşoiu
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Laparoscopic Surgery certified
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Laparoscopic Surgery certified

Prof. Dr. Ştefan-Ilie Neagu
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Urology Specialist
Prehospital Emergency certified
Health Services Management certified
Oncological Surgery certified
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Urology Specialist
Prehospital Emergency certified
Health Services Management certified
Oncological Surgery certified

Dr. Horia Stoicescu
General Surgery Senior Specialist
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Dr. Carmen Loredana Gorgan
General Surgery Specialist
Thoracic Surgery Specialist
Oncological surgery certified
Urogynecology certified
General Surgery Specialist
Thoracic Surgery Specialist
Oncological surgery certified
Urogynecology certified
Dr. Gabriel Gogescu
General Surgery Senior Specialist
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Dr. Răzvan-Adrian Mocanu
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Digestive diagnostic endoscopy certified
Laparoscopic Surgery certified
General Surgery Senior Specialist
Digestive diagnostic endoscopy certified
Laparoscopic Surgery certified
Oncological Surgery
Dr. Cezar Stroescu
Oncological Surgery Senior Specialist
Oncological Surgery Senior Specialist
RON | |
Clinical examination | 300 |
Clinical examination Prof. Dr. | 500 |
Check-up examination (within 30 days from the initial examination) | 100 |
Anus | |
Anal / perianal abscess - drainage | 2 000 |
Ischiorectal abscess - drainage | 3 000 |
Perianal fistula - surgical treatment | 2 700 |
Perianal fissure - surgical treatment | 2 800 |
Perianal formation - excision | 2 000 |
Intraanal tumor formation - excision | 2 500 |
Hemorrhoids - surgical treatment | 3 000 - 3 800 depending on the complexity |
Hemorrhoids - thrombectomy | 1 400 |
Surgical treatment of anorectal prolapse - classic | 3 600 |
Surgical treatment of anorectal prolapse - laparoscopic | 6 000 |
Surgical treatment of anorectal prolapse - endoscopic approach | 3 800 |
Armpit | |
Axillary lymph dissection | 4 000 |
Axillary tumor - excision | 3 000 |
Axillary lymph node biopsy | 2 500 |
Abdominal cavity | |
Appendix | |
Classical appendectomy | 4 000 |
Laparoscopic appendectomy | 4 500 |
Peritonitis appendectomy | 5 500 |
Gallbladder - biliary tract | |
Classic approach cholecystectomy | 4 000 |
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy | 7 000 |
Converted laparoscopic cholecystectomy | 5 000 |
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with intraoperative cholangiography | 7 000 |
Choledochal lithiasis (biliary) classical approach | 3 900 |
Choledochal lithiasis (biliary) laparoscopic approach | 4 800 |
Small intestine - colon - rectum - anus | |
(Sub) total colectomy with anastomosis | 8 000 |
Palliative segmental colectomy with anus contranature | 5 000 |
Palliative segmental colectomy with restoration of digestive continuity per primam | 6 000 |
Radical segmental colectomy with restoration of digestive continuity per primam (including stappler) | 6 400 |
Radical segmental colectomy with anus against nature | 6 300 |
Subtotal colectomy with anastomosistd | 6 500 |
Laparoscopic collectomy | 7 500 |
Intraperitoneal, retroperitoneal fluid collections - drainage | 3 800 |
Intraperitoneal fluid collections - laparoscopic drainage | 6 500 |
Colostomy anus iliac | 4 500 |
Entero-colic derivatives; entero-enteral | 4 000 |
Segmental enterastomy with anastomosis | 6 700 |
Classic right hemicolectomy | 6 500 |
Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy | 7 500 |
Classic palliative left hemicolectomy with anus against nature | 6 800 |
Classic radical left hemicolectomy | 6 700 |
Left laparoscopic radical hemicolectomy | 7 500 |
Classic radical left hemicolectomy with anus against nature | 7 000 |
Protective ileostomy | 4 500 |
Exploratory laparoscopy | 4 600 |
Endoscopic transrectal ligation of the lower rectal arteries | 2 800 |
Intestinal occlusion by perivisceritis - surgical treatment | 4 800 |
Total proctocolectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis (includes formation of the anal reservoir) | 8 600 |
Anal prolapse - surgical treatment - classic approach | 3 600 |
Anal prolapse - surgical treatment - laparoscopic approach | 6 000 |
Anal prolapse - surgical treatment with endoscopic approach | 3 800 |
Rectal - abdominal-perineal amputation | 7 500 |
Return to transit with mechanical anastomosis | 13 000 |
Return to transit with classic anastomosis | 6 000 |
Anterior rectal resection | 9 500 |
Liver | |
Liver abscess - drainage | 4 000 |
Liver abscess - laparoscopic drainage | 6 000 |
Liver abscess - CT-guided percutaneous drainage | 1 900 |
Ultrasound-guided liver biopsy puncture | 2 000 |
Laparoscopic liver biopsy | 4 500 |
Classic hepatic hydatid cyst | 5 000 |
Laparoscopic hepatic hydatid cyst | 6 500 |
Classic hepatic serous cyst | 5 000 |
Laparoscopic hepatic serum cyst | 6 500 |
Hernias + events | |
Uncomplicated eventration - surgical treatment | 3 000 - 4 500 depending on the complexity |
Complicated eventration with incarceration - strangulation with enterectomy - surgical treatment | 5 000 |
Hiatal hernia - a classic surgical treatment | 4 000 |
Hiatal hernia - laparoscopic surgical treatment | 7 000 |
Complicated abdominal hernia - surgical treatment | 4 800 |
Unilateral abdominal hernia (groin, femoral, umbilical, epigastric) - surgical treatment | 4 500 |
Unilateral inguinal hernia - laparoscopic surgical treatment (does not include the price of the prosthesis and the staple applicator) | 4 400 |
Bilateral inguinal hernia - classic approach surgical treatment (does not include the price of prosthesis) | 6 000 |
Bilateral inguinal hernia - laparoscopic surgical treatment (does not include the price of the prosthesis and the staple applicator) | 7 000 |
Internal hernia - surgical treatment | 5 000 |
Spleen | |
Splenectomy | 5 500 |
Spleno-pancreactectomy | 15 000 |
Stomach - Duodenum | |
Cardiac achalasia-Heller - classic surgical treatment | 5 500 |
Heller's cardiac achalasia - laparoscopic surgical treatment | 7 000 |
Gastrojejunoanastomosis with derivation | 6 500 |
Total gastrectomy for gastric cancer | 9 500 |
Percutaneous gastrostoma + upper digestive endoscopy (EDS) | 600 + 300 |
Gastric resection for ulcer | 5 000 |
Gastric ulcer - in situ suture | 4 500 |
Perforated gastric / duodenal ulcer - laparoscopic suture | 4 600 |
Various | |
Local anesthesia + intravenous sedation | 980 |
Spinal anesthesia | 980 |
Intravenous general anesthesia with intubation | 1 470 - 2 450 depending on the complexity |
Scar - excision (abdominal scar) | 2 000 |
Evacuation enema | 350 |
Specialized consultation | 250 |
Drainage of superficial skin abscesses (incision, evacuation) | 100 |
Extensive soft tissue collection drainage | 3 000 |
Removes parietal abscess | 2 500 |
Histopathological examination | 450 |
Foreign body removal of soft parts | 500 |
Suture extraction + dressing | 50 |
Ganglion - supraclavicular ganglion biopsy | 1 400 |
Probe mounting (bladder, nasogastric, etc.) | 100 |
Nevi + tumors + papilloma - excision without histopathological examination | 1 000 |
Panaritiu - surgical cure | 500 |
Complex dressing | 50 - 200 |
Simple dressing | 50 |
Suture traumatic wound | 300 - 500 depending on the complexity |
Toilet wound - necrotic tissue debridement | 2 000 |
Complex plague toilet + dressing | 1 000 |
Simple wound toilet + dressing | 300 |
Vasaprostan treatment | 500 |
Female genitals | |
Classical bilateral annexectomy | 4 500 |
Laparoscopic bilateral annexectomy | 7 000 |
Laparoscopic unilateral annexectomy | 4 600 |
Bartholin's gland cyst - excision | 1 600 |
Ovarian cyst - a classic surgical approach | 4 000 |
Ovarian cyst - laparoscopic surgical treatment | 6 000 |
Surgical treatment of piosalpinx, hydrosalpinx | 4 000 |
Surgical treatment of piosalpinx, hydrosalpinx - laparoscopic | 6 500 |
Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral annexectomy - Wertheim surgery | 8 000 |
Total abdominal hysterectomy with uni / bilateral annexectomy | 5 700 |
Total interanexal hysterectomy by vaginal route | 5 000 |
Mandible | |
Subangulomandibular tumor - ablation | 1 800 |
Lower limbs | |
Thigh amputation | 3 500 |
Toe amputation (big toe) | 2 500 |
Transphalangeal amputation | 1 000 |
Forefoot amputation | 2 500 |
Leg amputation | 3 500 |
Leg tumor - ablation | 2 300 |
Upper limbs | |
Forearm amputation | 3 500 |
Arm amputation | 3 500 |
Amputation (thumb) | 2 500 |
Forearm / arm tumor - ablation | 2 300 |
Mucous | |
Biopsies + histopathological examination | 1 000 + 450 |
Mucous tumors - excision | 2 000 |
Muscle | |
Biopsies + histopathological examination | 1 000 + 450 |
Muscle tumors - excision | 2 000 |
Skin | |
Buttock abscess - drainage | 1 300 |
Pilonidal abscess - drainage | 1 700 |
Interscapular abscess - evacuation | 1 000 |
Sebaceous cyst - excision with local anesthesia | 1 400 |
Synovial cyst - surgical treatment | 2 000 |
Pilonidal cyst - surgical treatment | 3 700 |
Extrusion chamber extraction (chemotherapy) | 2 700 |
Phlegmons and soft tissue abscesses - surgical treatment | 500 - 1 000 depending on the complexity |
Benign tumor formation - excision | 1 000 |
Wound - suture | 200 - 500 depending on the complexity |
Granulated wound - secondary suture | 1 000 |
Skin tumor - excision | 400 |
Subcutaneous tumor - excision | 500 - 1 000 depending on the complexity |
Testicle + Scrot | |
Periscrotal abscess | 1 200 |
Epididymic cyst - excision | 2 500 |
Hydrocele - surgical treatment | 3 800 |
Varicocele - surgical cure - classic | 3 800 |
Varicocele - surgical treatment - laparoscopic | 6 000 |
Breast | |
Breast abscess - drainage | 1 600 |
Breast tumor - percutaneous biopsy | 500 |
Axillary lymphadenectomy | 4 000 |
Madden radical unilateral mastectomy | 6 500 |
Breast sectorectomy | 3 500 |
Breast tumorectomy (benign tumors) | 2 800 |
Thyroid | |
Lobar thyroidectomy | 4 500 |
Total thyroidectomy | 6 000 |
Chest (thoracic cavity) | |
Minimal pleurostomy (for pneumothorax, hydrothorax) | 2 000 |
Chest puncture | 1 600 |
Subcutaneous cellular tissue | |
Soft tissue biopsies (excision of the subcutaneous tumor) | 2 100 |
Pilonidal cyst - surgical treatment | 3 700 |
Pilonidal cyst - incision, drainage | 1 700 |
Soft tissue collections - drainage | 300 |
Lipoma 1 formation, with local anesthesia | 1 100 |
Lipoma 2 - 3 formations, with local anesthesia | 1 900 |
Lipoma 4 - 5 formations, with local anesthesia | 3 000 |
Subcutaneous cellular tissue | |
Incarnate nail - partial excision | 300 |
Incarnate nail - removal | 300 |
Incarnate nail - surgical treatment | 900 |
Intervention costs DO NOT include hospitalisation or preoperator analises set.
Costs in Euro are paid in local currency RON at the rate displayed by BNR on the payment date.